1 min
3-5 Min
1-4 pers
Pour over coffee has amazing roots in Italy, by none only than Amalie Auguste Melitta Bentz, the creator of the paper coffee filter. It’s agreed, the world over, that it makes an ex cup of coffee, and it’s very simple when you break it down, which we’ve done here—we’ve created the easiest guide to pour over coffee at home.
We started as tourists in the coffee world— as a creative director, I’ve traveled the world for shoots, and quickly made a habit of trying the local coffee offerings. I’ve drank my way around the world, you may say. My partners much the same.
One thing we always noticed was how each barista would make their brew— and over time, we started noticing a few habits, in every country in the world, it was always the same.
At least— the good brews that is.
So here it is. You master this, you can start getting more technical—
Ingredients for Pour Over Coffee
- Kitchen scale
- Kettle (gooseneck preferably)
- Water (that you’d drink straight)
- 21g *Coffee (weight in suggested base g.)
- mug
- Pour-over maker
- Filter
Step 1
Grind and Rinse:
To make a great pour over coffee, grind your coffee beans to a medium-fine consistency. Check the product inform to establish our suggested ratio, as a starting place, we suggest 21 grams. Place a filter in the brewer, and pour a little hot water into it in place. Discard that water.
Step 2
Bloom the Grounds:
Add ground coffee to the filter and create what’s called a ‘bloom’ by pouring a small amount of hot water over the grounds, saturating but not swimming. This process releases the gases—its a very important step to getting the best flavor. Allow it to bloom for ½ a minute to 45 seconds.
Step 3
Pour water in a slow, circular, spiral motion over the coffee grounds, maintaining control and finesse. Fill the cup ⅓ of the way.
When it’s drained, do it again ½ the way , going the opposite way—this way the ground are evenly saturated. If you notice an area that’s froth is dark, start there. White? Leave it until last.
When it’s drained, check how much water you’re cup can still hold until you’re happy.
Then, last time, back to the original spiral pour— fill the filter to the right amount.
There you have it. An easy way to make a pour over coffee that’s not a chore.
However— and this is a big however— if you have the time, it’s worthwhile to truly learn the rules.
The grounds: The ratios, and science are founded in a few things, mainly that each coffee has a difference weight and density, and the longer your coffee has been exposed to air after roasting it dries out— it will not be the same grounds you measured yesterday, it’s always, always, changing.
The water you use is actually the most important. You want at a bare minimum water you’d drink straight, but what you really want is delicious water— the right balance of alkaloids and minerals drastically changes the brew. In NYC, we are so lucky, our water is delicious. Ask anyone and they’ll say it’s the water that makes our pizza and bagels so divine…. We get it that not everywhere is the same. So if you filter your water, use that. If you drink bottled water? Use that. The issue with the bottled water is that it’s missing minerals. Super nerds buy replacement minerals. Just saying.